Year 4

To see the parent information Powerpoint presented at the start of September, please click HERE.

The Year 4 Topics

Our curriculum is taught through three main topics (one per term) and cross-curricular links are utilised wherever possible. We follow the National Curriculum, full details of which can be found HERE. 

All Year 4 children receive Spanish and music lessons once a fortnight, taught by specialist teachers and the children also receive 2 hours of PE each week. Class activity days are organised to enhance a topic and support the learning taking place at school. Pupils also receive a term of swimming tuition and a term of cornet tuition. 

Click the links below to see the Parent Overview for each topic:

Objectives for Year 4

At the end of year 4, in order to achieve Age Related Expectations, children need to be able to:


  • Read exception words. 
  • Apply their knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes both to read aloud and to understand the meaning of new words.
  • Identify and discuss themes and conventions in and across a wide range of writing. 
  • Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence.
  • Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. 
  • Identify and summarise main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph.
  • Retrieve and record information from non-fiction. 


  • Spell most words from the Year 4 spelling list.
  • Write with increasing legibility, consistency and fluency.
  • Use paragraphs to organised ideas around a theme.
  • In paragraphs, create settings, characters and plot. 
  • Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time and cause.
  • Use fronted adverbials
  • Use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
  • Use apostrophes to mark plural possession
  • Use commas after fronted adverbials.
  • Use the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense.
  • Use standard English forms for verb inflections.


  • Count in multiples of 6, 7,  9, 25 and 1000.
  • Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers and identify negative numbers in context.
  • Order and compare numbers beyond 1000.
  • Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
  • Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.
  • Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.
  • Multiply using formal written layout: 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number.
  • Count up and down in hundredths and recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred.
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
  • Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths and hundredths.
  • Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½ and ¾.
  • Convert between different units of measure: kilometre to metre / hour to minute / kilogram to gram / litre to millilitre.
  • Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.
  • Read and write time on analogue and digital 12 and 24hr clocks.
  • Convert between 12- and 24-hour clocks.
  • Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations.
  • Describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant.
  • Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in  bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.