Special Educational Needs Information

Exceptional Education for ALL

Mrs N Bracknell, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO), is available for advice or to discuss any concerns that parents may have – please phone the school office to request an appointment. The governor with responsibility for ensuring that Special Needs regulations are met is Mr P Marshman. 

Our SEND Information Report, advising parents of full details on what we can offer for SEND children can be found below or by following the link HERE.

Support for ALL and Parental Involvement

Pupils who have been identified as having a specific learning or behaviour need will be added to the SEND register in school. These children are closely monitored and may be given an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which focuses on their specific needs. ILPs are reviewed termly, in discussion with parents and children.  Children work on their specific targets in class and through targeted support, including in their SODA (Start of Day Activity) books, which are individually tailored to meet their specific needs. Parents of children with SEND are fully involved in decisions regarding assessments, are advised of strategies for their child and are invited to meetings with outside agencies when their child is discussed, where possible. 

Additional Information

Additional  information and advice  for parents and carers who have a child with Special Educational Needs  can be obtained from