New Reception Intake 2024

Welcome to Gossops Green!

We are very pleased to welcome our new children and parents to Gossops Green. Whether you are new to the school or already have children in higher year groups, hopefully, this page will help you prepare for September with links to information you will need and important dates. This information will be shared in more detail as part of our transition package. 

Additional information about starting at Gossops Green can be found by following the links below. If you would like a paper copy of any of the information below, please contact the school office.

EYFS New Parents Video

Helpful Links

School uniform 
Gossops Green School official uniform is purchased from Taylor Made Uniform. Children can also wear unbranded uniform purchased from all major supermarkets and clothing shops, as long as it is in the school colours. 


Pupil Premium/Free School Meals
If you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child may be entitled to Pupil Premium funding. We encourage all parents who are eligible to apply, as this funding helps both the school and your child.


Hot school meals
All pupils in Reception are entitled to Universal Free School Meals, although children can also bring in a healthy packed lunch and children can have a mixture of hot school meals and packed lunches from home. Hot school meals, although free, will need to be booked through our Arbor system by the Thursday night prior to the meal so that the kitchen can order enough food and so that your child will get the meal of their choice. For the first week back in September, as you will not yet have access to Arbor, these meals will be booked at the Home Visit. 

School Milk
Children under 5 can receive a free carton of milk every breaktime. Children over 5 can continue to receive the milk, although parents will need to pay for this. Please complete the form on the Cool Milk website to order milk for your child.  

Breakfast Club
and Cygnet Crew
We offer before and after school wraparound care via Breakfast Club and Cygnet Crew. These are paid clubs and normally need to be booked online. As new applicants do not currently have access to Arbor, please email if you would like to book wraparound care places for September 2024. 


The Reception Curriculum
Please click on the link above to find out more about what your child will be learning. 

Starting School – How to support your child
We have put together this booklet packed with suggestions for how to ensure that your child is ready for school. A paper copy was given out during the transition sessions.  

Transition Day Powerpoint
Please click on the link above for more information about Gossops Green and starting school. This was shared at the first transition morning on Thursday 27th June.

Letters Sent Home

No documents found.

Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 15th May – Date for acceptance letters to be returned to school with a copy of your Council Tax Statement and your child’s birth certificate

w/b Monday 20th May – Second letter, with further details on transition, sent home via email.

w/b Monday 10th June – Letter sharing your child’s class, house* and whether they are Group A or Group B for starting school, sent home via email. *Siblings of children already in school will be allocated to the same house to avoid rivalry!

Monday 17th June  – 6pm – 7pm, online Parent/Carer Information Meeting

Thursday 27th June  – Pupils Meet the Teacher Session 1 (45mins) and Parent/Carers Talk.  Sessions at three different times during the day, dependent on class allocation. 
Parent/Carers to sign up for September Home Visits. 

Thursday 18th July  – Pupils Meet the Teacher Session 2 (45mins). At three different times during the day, dependent on class allocation

Monday 22nd July – Monday 2nd September – School closed for the Summer Holidays

Tuesday 3rd September – Thursday 5th September –1:2 Home Visits (Meetings for Parents and Teachers) – time slots booked at Meet the Teacher sessions (see above). Staff to share Seesaw App access codes and arrange for lunches to be booked for the following week 

w/b Monday 9th September – Phased Start (children do not start full time until Friday 13th September)

Monday 9th September – Group A pupils in school 8.30am -12.30 (with lunch) / Group B pupils in school 1.30-3pm

Tuesday 10th September – Group B pupils in school 8.30am-12.30 (with lunch) / Group A pupils in school 1.30-3pm

Wednesday 11th September and Thursday 12th September– All pupils in school 8.30am – 12.30pm (with lunch)

Friday 13th September – All pupils in school all day (8.30am-3.00pm)