
Science offers pupils the opportunity to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the natural world. The method of scientific enquiry provides a way for pupils to begin to ask questions and work practically to communicate their findings. 

Science Curriculum Intent

In terms of DELIVERING EQUITY, we envisage by the end of Year 6 that our pupils will recognise and value different forms of practical science and the types of enquiry available to all scientists; whether pupil or professorThey will feel confident, knowledgeable and empowered in selecting the most appropriate form of enquiry when following a line of scientific exploration.  Children leave Gossops Green with a secure foundation of scientific knowledge which can be built upon in future years. 

Progressive layering of knowledge, embedded in long-term memory, scaffolds pupils to: 

  • Have a curiosity about the world around them
  • Develop the ability to work scientifically whilst carrying out enquiries 
  • Understand and use scientific vocabulary accurately and purposefully
  • Learn about the life and findings of significant scientists which exemplify curiosity
  • Follow the systematic process of scientific enquiry  

Application of Conceptual Understanding – occurs when new information and ideas are incorporated into pupils’ existing knowledge through: 

    • Selecting the most apt scientific methods to pose, explore and answer scientific questions 
    • Having an appreciation of how science has contributed to the way we live and how science has an impact on the future
    • Seeking patterns and recognising their significance
    • Classifying by identifying similarities, differences and posing the right questions 
    • Observing changes over time 
    • Knowing how to carry out practical enquiries safely and systematically  
    • Knowing how to gather, interpret and present data, showing an understanding of how science uses evidence to support findings
    • Using a range of methods to communicate their scientific information and presenting it in a systematic, scientific manner, including use of ICT, diagrams, graphs and charts
    • Developing a respect for the materials and equipment they handle with regards to their own, and other children’s safety
    • Posing new questions to investigate and developing hypotheses

    Science Curriculum Implementation

    To achieve our intent, our Science curriculum will provide the following:   

    • A progressive, sequential journey of knowledge, skills and concepts from EYFS to Year 6, encompassing the depth and breadth of the science curriculum 
    • Opportunities to address cultural capital disadvantage 
    • A focus on subject specific Tier 3 scientific vocabulary to equip pupils with the language to express their scientific knowledge with precision and confidence  
    • Explicit links with high quality examples texts, including models, use of technology and practical resources, to provide contextual links and reinforce scientific knowledge 
    • Key outcomes, described as ‘sticky knowledge,’ which form the foundation of prior and subsequent learning 
    • Higher order, subject-specific questions to assess knowledge and understanding 
    • Enhanced learning through memorable experiences and visiting experts
    • Adaptable approaches that enable all pupils’ opportunities to explore science and experience success 
    • Adapted learning and teaching to support those with additional needs through the pre-teaching of scientific vocabulary, the use of worked examples as models and a focus on creating cross-curricular links between scientific and other subjects 
    • Targeted support for children with English as an additional language including peer collaboration, specific language learning objectives and adaptation based on their current language acquisition 
    • Learning opportunities that encourage children to develop a genuine curiosity in science  

    Science Curriculum Impact

      • Pupils will have a curiosity about the world around them
      • They will have the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future  
      • Pupils will understand that the scientific method of enquiry is an opportunity to form conclusions, appreciating the power of rational explanations  
      • Pupils will fully appreciate the importance of reliable evidence in the scientific approach 
      • They will have the skills and knowledge to select appropriate equipment for enquiry-based learning 
      • Pupils will understand a wide range of scientific vocabulary 
      • They will understand that, used ethically, science is the key to all innovation, progress and improvement to humankind