
Our Geography curriculum is designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Pupils investigate a range of places – both in Britain and abroad – to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes.  We are committed to providing pupils with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Gossops Green and the wider area of Crawley, so that they can develop a real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special.  

Geography Curriculum Intent

In terms of DELIVERING EQUITY, we envisage by the end of Year 6 that our pupils will all be aware of and respect the world around them from a local through to a global level. Our children will understand that they, along with people of all nationalities and cultures, all have a place in the wider world and they will be willing to see past initial differences and challenge cultural and media stereotypes. Our children will also understand how physical geographical processes can and are affecting our lives and how we can help to protect  the Earth for generations to come. 

Progressive layering of knowledge, embedded in long-term memory, scaffolds pupils to: 

  • Know the names and locations of major continents, countries, seas, oceans and rivers 
  • Have knowledge of a range of places – local, national and world 
  • Develop an understanding of physical geographical processes (e.g. rivers, mountains, coastlines) 
  • Understand reasons for the choices humans have made/make (e.g. settlement locations, fighting deforestation) 
  • Develop an extensive base of geographical vocabulary  
  • Develop fieldwork skills to observe, measure, record and present local geographical features (e.g. sketch maps, digital technologies, graphs) 
  • Have knowledge of map features and the ability to use a range of mapping resources (e.g. maps {physical and digital}, globes, atlases) 

Application of Conceptual Understanding – occurs when new information and ideas are incorporated into pupils’ existing knowledge through:

  • Understanding and demonstrating empathy towards physical processes which affect human lives (e.g. flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes) 
  • Identifying similarities and commonalities between people around the world, respecting differences
  • Appreciating their place in the world and understanding their links with other places and countries 
  • Understanding that humans impact our physical world in both positive and negative ways  
  • Developing their ability to read maps with a variety of scales in different contexts (e.g. world maps, OS maps) 
  • An awareness of – and confidence to challenge – cultural stereotypes regarding different cultures and parts of the world 
  • Understanding ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected  

Geography Curriculum Implementation

To achieve our intent, our Geography curriculum will provide the following:

  • A progressive, sequential journey of knowledge, skills and concepts from EYFS to Year 6, encompassing the depth and breadth of the geography curriculum 
  • Immersion in studies relating to a wide range of local, national and world geography  
  • Opportunities to address potential cultural capital disadvantage 
  • A focus on subject specific vocabulary to equip children with the language to express their geographical knowledge with precision and confidence, alongside a conscious and specific inclusion of tier 2 vocabulary to ensure children can convey their ideas effectively and accurately.  
  • Explicit links with high quality texts, including models, use of technology and practical resources, to provide contextual links and reinforce geographical knowledge 
  • Key outcomes, described as ‘sticky knowledge,’ which form the foundation of prior and subsequent learning 
  • Higher order, subject-specific questions to assess knowledge and understanding
  • Enhanced learning through memorable experiences and visiting experts 
  • Adapted learning and teaching to support those with additional needs through the pre-teaching of geographical vocabulary, the use of worked examples as models and a focus on creating cross-curricular links between geography and other subjects 
  • Targeted support for children with English as an additional language including peer collaboration, specific language learning objectives and adaptation based on their current language acquisition 
  • Adapted learning and teaching to challenge all pupils to understand concepts on a deeper level such as why places are where they are and why people may choose to live there, use their knowledge to make comparisons between places and apply their understanding to current global issues that may be happening through linking their learning with other subjects 
  • Learning opportunities that encourage children to develop a genuine interest in and appreciation for other people and places, both in the local area and beyond and nurtures a life-long curiosity and invested interest in our planet 

Geography Curriculum Impact

    • Pupils enjoy learning about new places, people and cultures and demonstrate empathy towards them 
    • They discuss knowledge and concepts they have learned confidently and enthusiastically 
    • Pupils can form and express their own opinions, founded in geographical knowledge, about current issues and events 
    • They understand and can suggest explanations for the choices humans have made and recognise our impact on the world (positive and negative) 
    • Pupils understand a wide range of geographical vocabulary 
    • They have a clear understanding of where places are in the world and can make comparisons between them 
    • Pupils understand and can discuss their own locality in depth and explain how Crawley has developed to become as they know it today 
    • They can use a wide range of geographical tools including maps, globes and compasses 
    • Pupils can carry out fieldwork using a range of skills and can discuss their findings to draw conclusions 
    • They develop awareness that human choices impact the world’s natural and manmade resources